Monday 18 February 2013

Forks and Other Things

More than 48 hours have past and I feel like I've experienced a crash. I suppose the initial fervour was always going to have to dampen, but the reasoning for this is more of an existential crossroad than anything else. Real Love poses a massive question to me in as much as: Is it what I want? 

What do I mean 'what do I want?'

The picture of Real Love that I paint in my head at the utterance of those two powerful words is also twofold. In one of those pictures, this journey leads me to a wiser understanding of love, commitment, intimacy and the finding of this in the arms of my one future beholden. I may or may not have met this person already but I hope that what I make of my life and the emotional and spiritual development promised by the nature of this undertaking will count me ready when it comes to making that Real Love connection.

In the second instant, and the one that leans more to a version of the me I know, I hear Real Love and see social progress. 

I'm happiest when the people around me are happy and so maybe Real Love is not truly altruistic as I have an ulterior motive of reaching as many people, getting as many smiles, supporters, believers or whatever you want to call anyone who shares my overly optimistic enthusiasm for living a richer life. Is it a bad thing that I want to stop and talk, find out how you are doing, try and figure how things could be better?

I was reminded recently by my mother that some people are born to be servants of the people, in much the way a priest, imam or rabbi is. That there is a ministry to share with your congregation to enrich not just their lives but their legacies. This relates to a greater pastoral love that is not common in our daily reality but is nevertheless necessary for cultural evolution.

I think underneath everything this is what I would ultimately want from Real Love. A tidal wave of positive feeling expressed through every medium I can imagine. I want to champion real human connections, scratching away at our consumer surfaces and really getting to know people. I know, beyond reasonable doubt, that the happier you are the less likely you are to be ill. I know that stress is the primary catalyst for heart attacks and I know people who have suffered severely at the expense of stress.

I want to be part of a team who share my values and remember what it means to be human. It often pains me to think that we cry along with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall at the fate of cooped up chickens and their monotonously singular function lives whilst co-existing under much the same relative circumstance. Would an extra-terrestrial being objectively value that the fate of the chicken was worse than that of ours?

We have been ushered into this new digital era so rapidly that life is happening whilst we're busy watching the commercials. Feature presentations have come and gone much as they have in all eras; just now the time between them is the more precious commodity. The speed of life is so fast and I intend for Real Love to be a sanctuary in the middle of it. Come and slow down racer!

There is a Grand Prix analogy to come of this, be sure of it...

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